When they process their booking, customers acknowledge that they have read, and accepted the specific terms & conditions related to the event that they have booked.
The Guest(s) acknowledge(s) that throughout the duration of the event/itinerary a reality TV show /series will be filmed focusing on the Entertainers/Performers and Stars. During said filming, there is a possibility that the Guest(s) may be captioned on said reality TV show/series.
As a condition of the booking, the Guest(s) release(s) Stars on Board, Inc. their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated companies, the directors, employees, agents, representation, any and all producers and broadcasters of the said reality TV show/series from all claims, actions, grievances and liabilities in connection with the subject reality TV show/series to be filmed throughout the full entertainment journey.
(a) The guest acknowledges that STARS ON BOARD, its affiliates and partners are not an insurer of his or her safety during the course of their stay, and the guest agrees that STARS ON BOARD, its affiliates and partners shall not be liable in any circumstances for any incident or injury arising from events occurring on and outside of the guest areas of the resort/ship, or involving persons employed by STARS ON BOARD, its affiliates and partners and acting outside the course and the scope of employment.
(b) Stars On Board, its affiliates and partners disclaim all liability to the guest for damages for emotional distress, mental suffering, or psychological injury of any kind not resulting from a physical injury to that guest, nor from that guest had been at risk of actual physical injury, nor intentionally inflicted by Stars On Board, its affiliates and partners.